Funny How Time Flies…

I haven’t posted to this site since lat Feb! Shame on me! What have I been doing you ask?  Well, lots of things!  I am revamping, refocusing and rebuilding.  To be honest, I got so lost in the shuffle of what I should be doing, it became overwhelming  quickly. I lost sight of my passion and my purpose.  There is so much out there that it’s impossible to do everything…and when you try to do it all, especially when it doesn’t align with your vision one becomes easily burnt out.

So while I was figuring this all out, time flew.  I was semi-aware of how much time lapsed.  But the process I was going through had to occur, I couldn’t rush it or I wouldn’t have been able to achieve clarity in what needed to be done next.  I’m still shaking off some dust, so pardon me while I tidy things up a bit.  But here are some major changes:

  1. Synergi Group, LLC, the parent company of Brand University no longer exists.  Synergi Group’s purpose was to be a massive collaboration so that every business could succeed through knowledge and information sharing.   It worked! Many people made phenomenal connections!  I expended a great deal of time and effort and in everything there is a purpose and Synergi Group’s purpose came and was fulfilled.
  2. Brand University still stands.  I believe this conference has been and will continue to be a great benefit to everyone involved.  The focus is on getting real results by providing tangible information and resources that business owners can put into action immediately.
  3. A movement towards authentic business.  I have come to the realization that everyone doesn’t want a multi-national conglomerate.  Some of us are just fine with a small business and don’t need to grow, grow, grow until they pop.  We all have a different definition of success, different priorities and different things we want out of life.  What may be great for one entrepreneur, may not be for another.  I have grown to understand these differences and respond accordingly.
  4. Speaking of “success” I have grown tired of hearing that word just thrown around.  There are so many coaches, mentors, consultants, etc.. out there my head is spinning.  There’s just so much clutter now out there, that its very hard to know the forest from the trees.  My promise is to always provide quality content, no filler, no fluff.  My goal is to give readers, workshop and conference participants actionable, tangible information that they can use in their business immediately.

There’s more to come and the clean up is still a work in progress.  BUT, the great news is the Holiday Marketing Boot camp, to get businesses in tip-top shape for their holiday marketing campaigns…stay tuned for details!

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